Budgeting Your Values


Use this worksheet to determine your values and incorporate them into your budget to create a spending plan that aligns with YOU!


Values-based budgeting is a concept that puts you and your values at the forefront of your budgeting experience. Prior to budgeting, you will identify what is most important to you and align your budget categories in a way that reflects these important items. When you start budgeting, you begin with your bills but then take time to craft your discretionary items into a spending plan that reflects what’s important to you.

Use this worksheet to determine your values and incorporate them into your budget to create a spending plan that aligns with YOU!

Recommended Use:
For a detailed guide on how to use this worksheet, check out this post.

Number of Pages: 2
Size: Full Page 8.5×11

After checkout, click the yellow “download” button to grab your printable!

*This product is intended for personal use only. Please do not distribute or alter.

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